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Why do I need to advertise or promote?

Q. Why do I need to advertise or promote my T2000Ultra site?

A. Because you have to get people to sign up to this under you in your first's the only way this system can work. Once you've got people to sign up via your site, they get placed in your downline and your advert will be displayed on their site as well as on your own. As those people sign up new members, your advert will get transfered to those new sites as well, so you have a downline 3 levels deep. This method creates a network 6 levels deep and consisting of many thousands of sites.....all displaying your advert. You have to get the first sign ups in the first level, in order for the system to continue and grow. Once you've done the initial advertising to get the first sign ups, you can stop all promotion if you like.

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